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Activity observation


Record the activity to analyze with any type of device (phone, GoPro, Camera, etc.)

Activity analysis

Customize your observation protocols according to your needs: gestures, postures, events etc.

Display your dynamic activity graphs synchronized with your videos

Get automated statistics on: duration, transitions and simultaneous occurrence

Our sensors

Measure and analyze effort, physiological and posture data with our sensors

Compatible biosensors

Enhance your analysis with our partner solutions:

  • Eye tracking
  • EEG
  • Environmental sensors

Data display

Display your videos, measurements, and your observation protocols all in sync

Data Analysis (PL)

One-click detailed analysis Cardiac analysis

Angular analysis

Muscle analysis

Report generation

Export your data and analysis in a single click

VR compatibility

Integration of any data set in a virtual reality environment

CAPTIV Activity

Observation and activity analysis software